The search for the world’s most irresistible eating apple


Glenmont, NY-based New York Apple Sales plans to feature its full line of classic New York state legacy apples at the New England Produce Council Expo, Sept. 12-13, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center in Boston.

Vice President of Marketing, Jim Allen, told The Produce News that the company will be at Booth No. 304.

“I’ll be joined by John Cushing, vice president of sales, and Michael Harwood, sales representative,” said Allen.

“Together, we’ll be proudly promoting our classic New York state legacy apples, featuring, Gala, Ginger Gold, McIntosh and Honey Crisp, as well as the new and exciting SnapDragon apple, which is exclusive to New York state producers.”

Allen added that NYAS is also excited to be working alongside Don Zornes and the Smitten apple marketing group.

“We’ll be helping to unveil the new Smitten apple campaign this fall,” he pointed out. “The Smitten apple will be the official Pink Ribbon apple partnering with the Susan G. Komen group.”

The search for what is coined the “world’s most irresistible eating apple” began in New Zealand, and ultimately lead to the Smitten, which originated from a cross of Falstaff and Fiesta, and Braeburn and Gala varieties.

“In 2009, seven test trees were planted in North America,” explained Allen. “Smitten apples were formally introduced to the United States in 2011 by Pegasus Premier Fruit. Smitten has been celebrated as the most outstanding variety encountered in over decades of worldwide searching for better apple varieties.”

He added that the Smitten’s profile is unforgettably crunchy, delicious in natural taste, beautiful and it has excellent handling qualities.

NYAS has enjoyed a near century of apple experience in New York. President and Owner, Kaari Stannard, is a multi-generational family member who learned the business from a young age. She has taken to task, and succeeded, in turning the company into a major force. Today it ships approximately one-third of New York produced apples, and it now imports leading varieties from New Zealand and Nova Scotia.

“We continue to enjoy, and are proud of, our relationship with Next Best Thing and related marketing groups to offer the SweeTango apple to select retailers,” noted Allen. “We are thrilled with the quality and size of SweeTango this season. Consumers continue to rave about its amazing crunch and flavor.”

NYAS works with a number of retailers on customized programs. And, its growers continue to plant the most popular new varieties.

“Aggressive plantings of KORU, Smitten, EverCrisp, Ambrosia, SnapDragon and RubyFrost are ongoing,” Allen pointed out. “Our packing facilities continue to expand, and we continually reinvest in cutting-edge packing and sorting equipment to best serve our customers.

“As with every year at the NEPC expo, we look forward to the great opportunity to meet face to face with our loyal customers and prospective new customers to share ideas and to further promote our outstanding lineup of apples,” he added.

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